What to Look for in Inflatable Quality and Safety

What to Look for in Inflatable Quality and Safety

When it comes to purchasing an inflatable, whether it’s a bounce house, slide or any other type of inflatable product, safety and quality should be at the top of your list. After all, when you think of the word “inflatable” you don’t want to think about something that could potentially harm your family or friends. The Bounce Brothers take quality and safety seriously, so we wanted to share with you what to look for in terms of quality and safety when considering an inflatable purchase.

First off – Check the Manufacturer

The manufacturer is one of the most important factors in determining quality and safety standards for an inflatable product. Make sure that you research who manufactured the product before making a purchase. Look for companies who have been around for a while as they are more likely to have stringent standards established regarding their products. Also check if they are a member of any industry-specific organizations such as The International Association Of Amusement Parks And Attractions (IAAPA), which is dedicated specifically towards amusement park attractions such as bounce houses and slides. If they aren’t members then this may be an indication that they aren’t following industry regulations which could mean lower quality or worse yet – unsafe products on offer!

Second – Inspect The Material Quality

The material used in constructing an inflatable is just as important as who manufactured it! Make sure that you inspect both the exterior fabric material as well as internal cushioning materials used on things like slides or walls within a bounce house setup (if applicable). High grade PVC fabric should always be used on any exterior portion along with strong stitching patterns throughout all seams - this ensures maximum durability against wear & tear over time due to usage by people playing inside them.. Additionally make sure there are no signs off discoloration due too excessive exposure from sunlight - this can reduce the lifespan significantly! For internal cushioning materials such foam blocks or soft padding look out signs off tears/rips which would decrease performance levels & create potential hazards during use too!

Third – Check Certifications

Certifications play a big role when it comes to ensuring high levels off safety within any type off recreational activity including those involving inflates structures & equipment - so make sure these are readily available from manufacturers prior to making your choice! Generally speaking these certifications will come from 3rd parties such ASTM International (formerly known American Society For Testing & Materials). They provide guidelines on how equipment should be designed/used in order to protect users from potential injuries whilst using them - if manufacturers don't follow these requirements then it’s best not to buy their products!! Common certifications include ASTM F2050-13a Standard Specification For Amusement Rides And Devices; ASTM F2453-07 Standard Practice For Safe Operation Of Inflatable Recreational Devices; UL 1994 Standard For Portable Electric Light Towers etc...so make sure whatever model chosen has been rigorously tested according to approved international standards before investing money into buying one!! 

Fourth – Check Reviews 

Most reputable companies will always have customer reviews available online which can help inform decisions prior to making purchases - not only do these provide insights into how customers feel about particular products but also allow individuals see what others might have experienced during their own usage experiences with similar items being considered.. It’s worth reading through several reviews before committing money into purchasing anything since unhappy customers tend to leave negative feedback whereas those satisfied with what they received usually leave positive comments which can give buyers peace of mind knowing exactly what kind of experience awaits them once item arrives at home!! 

Fifth – Ask Questions 

Asking questions related to both details about specific models being considered plus associated warranties offered by manufacturer can help ensure buyers don't end up regretting purchases later downline… If unsure about something contact customer service directly ask away anything that’s unclear!!! It payoff invest some time upfront researching different options available order avoid unnecessary surprises later on down line...plus nothing wrong with asking additional questions after initial purchase made either e.g.: How often do I need clean unit? Do I need replace parts regularly? What maintenance required keep unit functioning correctly over long-term ect. Doing so gives buyers additional piece mind knowing exactly what’s expected maintain good working condition over extended period of time thus preventing costly repairs further downline!!!   

Sixth – Speak With Local Authorities

Before setting up any large scale structure locally it’s advisable speak local authorities gain better understanding regulations governing installation process itself plus associated health and safety implications might arise from doing so. Different areas impose different restrictions depending size location where structure will ultimately end up being set upon example some places require operators obtain permits use public land while others may insist users employ security personnel oversee operations during active hours operation etc.... it’s worth checking out guidelines advance prevent unpleasant surprises once comes actually setting up structure itself!!!  

In conclusion, there are many aspects involved in choosing high-quality and safe inflatables for your family's enjoyment. We hope our tips have provided useful information regarding what steps should take order ensure highest possible levels off both quality & safety attained each & every time looking invest into something new exciting like bouncy castle slide combo trampoline park water park etc.... Always remember do thorough background research beforehand read customer ratings ask questions local authorities gain better understanding restrictions applicable given situation all essentially guarantee successful outcome regardless where final decision ends up falling!!!


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